Friday, August 12, 2011

Back on the Facebook and finding old friends, people keep asking me what I have been up to for the last 30, 20, 10 years, depending on who is asking. Remember - I moved around a lot.

I met Terry (- yes, Mr and Mrs Terri(y). How cute can you get???) while out with work friends running around barhopping in LoDo. It comes to our attention that we are three women alone, downtown. One of my friends brought up the fact that John, from the first floor, was downtown with a friend of his from out of town. Now - I only knew John from passing his office on the way to the candy machine, but whatevs. So, we met up with him and his friend. Me and this friend get to talking, and talking and talking. He keeps trying to get me to drink, I have stopped drinking because SIX people have remarked that they cannot believe I left my car in 5 Points. I am desperate to get back to my car, picturing it without tires and windows. I kind of think he is a lush, he kind of thinks I am a bitch, but we keep talking.

We end the night with them walking us to my friends car, so that I can go get mine. He DOES NOT ask for my phone number. After I get my car, we girls go out to breakfast, and they keep remarking about how cute we were together. I keep thinking I am to old for this shit, and that I should have stayed home. He did not ask for my number after all. Over the weekend I think about it some more, and decide I didn't offer up my number either. Monday I give my number to his friend on the way to the candy machine. It was a shitty job, the candy machine was the highlight of my day... His friend makes a few remarks, and then I was saved by his phone ringing. I make my break and wait. Terry called me a couple of days later, and we talked for six hours on the phone. SIX. We talked nightly for the next couple of weeks. He was living in AZ at the time. He would visit here monthly to see his family and friends.

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